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Mabel Yu



As a Senior Investment Analyst, I made a right investment call regarding the mortgage-backed securities that toppled the global economy in 2008. The courageous call which saves clients’ investment assets is featured in:

A Book: “Judgment Calls: Twelve Stories of Big Decisions and the Teams That Got Them Right”, Chapter 8

Harvard Business Review

National Public Radio – This American Life

Back to School


A Personal Story

I am passionate about education. It has transformed my life and has elevated me. I believe every student should have the best chance to reach their potential, to succeed and be happy.

A girl was destined to spend her life working in a factory. She was raised by parents who had no formal schooling, a home with no toilet, no refrigerator, no TV, ......etc. She had the challenge to put a proper sentence together. Her Math teachers expected little of her.  She cried at night worrying as her father suffered and died from cancer. But through it all, she remembered growing up quietly watching her father working hard from sunrise to night to put food on the table, and her mom working tirelessly to keep their children clean, disciplined, and focused on school. The family struggled, but she always saw hope, gratitude, and determination in her parents to give their children a better life. They instilled love, diligence, and responsibility in her to pursue the life she aspired to have. 

            The girl did work in the factory, but only for the summers. She moved on to graduate from the number one university in Canada, earned her MBA with a teaching scholarship in the U.S., and got her CPA. 

            She worked as a Senior Investment Analyst. During the financial crisis, she worked quietly and tirelessly night and day, like her Parents, to protect her clients’ lifetime savings by courageously recommending against the complex fraud investment products that toppled the economy.

            When her daughter was discouraged by her aptitude in standardized tests that could prevent her from achieving her dream, she instilled in her the belief that hard work can defy aptitude. With grit, her daughter vastly improved her SAT score, and is attending her dream university while aspiring to become a doctor. 

            This is my story. My life was not defined by my circumstances because of the examples and guidance from my parents and caring teachers. They instilled responsibility, diligence, and gratitude in me. With that, I changed my life and helped others to improve their lives, too. With life’s trials and triumphs, I have learned to believe that life can truly be raised from within by love, education, and hope!

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